From: Afterglow Cosmetics
Have you ever thought about using gluten free make-up? If you are like me, you've never thought about it before. I wanted to do this post for those who are looking, curious, and just because I thought it would be helpful. Please enjoy and if you have more information, please share!! I'd love to know more!
"What is gluten allergy or celiac disease? It is an auto-immune disease of the intestines, caused by and allergy to gluten. Gluten is found in wheat , rye, malt, oats and barley. The symptoms are wide ranging, from indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, extreme fatigue and depression, severe weight loss, abdominal rashes, and if left untreated cancer. In the U.S. 1 in 133 people have gluten allergies.Maintainig a gluten free diet and using gluten free products are essential as continued exposure is detrimental. Common gluten free foods are alternative flours ( rice, soy , potato and tapioca), corn, beans and flour to name a few."
Both of the websites I quoted have Gluten Free makeup! Be sure to check them out today! They are filled with a ton of very useful information and you will be amazed at all you will learn. I know I learned a lot and I am hoping that by posting this, I can be helpful to others.
"Imagine a store where nothing is off limits. A store where someone has already read all the labels and made all the calls. A store where everything is gluten-free and celiac-safe. A store where you can choose anything you like and not have to worry.
Imagine a shop packed with the best gluten-free groceries from around the world. Pasta from Italy. Soup from England. Rice from Bhutan, high in the Himalayas. Chocolate from the Ivory Coast. English muffins from that little bakery in New Jersey. And all gluten-free.
That store exists. In Milwaukee and online. For you."

Gluten-Free Trading Company
"Our goal is to provide the best information, to act as a gluten free guide, helping you find information about gluten free diets, and research foods you can eat everyday. Whether you seek this information for yourself or a loved one, we can help you find the recipes and restaurants to make eating out and dining at home an easier process. Common conditions that cause gluten intolerance include wheat allergy, dermititis herpetiformis (dh), irritable bowel syndrome (ibs), celiac sprue (also known as celiac disease, cd, or just as sprue,and often misspelled as ciliac or seliac). Some people help maintain a basic diet for celiac kids, or kids with autism, while others choose to live a gluten-free lifestyle (gfl) for dieting purposes, or just for overall health. No matter what your reasons are, we hope that when you visit a restaurant with friends and family, you will think about how much fun you are having, instead of worrying about the amount of gluten in the food, and when you cook, you will feel confident that the ingredients in the recipe will conform to your health needs."
From:Life Without Gluten
And of course, if you want Organic, you can check out Organic Valley! ORGANIC VALLEY
Happy Gluten Free Shopping!!!
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